Our supervisors

Our Master's thesis offer
Univ.-Prof. Guilherme Wood and Theo Marins Ph.D
You can find the Master's thesis topics offered by Professor Guilherme Wood and Dr. Theo Marins by following this link.
Assistant Professor Manuel Ninaus
You can find the Master's thesis topics offered by Assistant Professor Manuel Ninaus by following this link.
Dr. Silvia Kober
You can find the Master's thesis topics offered by Dr. Silvia Kober by following this link.
Procedure and preparations for the Master's thesis
I. Announcement of the Master's thesis topic
- First, the Master's thesis should be reported to the NAWI Examination Office and the signatures of the main supervisor and (if available) the second supervisor should be obtained. Information on this can be found at: https://psychologie.uni-graz.at/de/masterstudium/hinweise-zur-masterarbeit/
- In addition, do not forget to submit the examination protocol on time: https://nawi.uni-graz.at/de/sidebar-default-elements/pruefungsprotokolle/
II Ethics application
- Submit ethics application + declaration of consent (mail sent by supervisor!)
- More detailed information at: https://www.uni-graz.at/de/forschen/organisation/ethikkommission/
- Average duration until you receive an ethics vote 3-4 weeks, only then can you start collecting data
- Include a time buffer for data collection, e.g. 2 months extra after the planned end of the study. Longer periods are never a problem, too short a period can lead to problems!
IIIa. Measurements in the Psylab
- Measurements that are carried out in the PsyLab laboratories (EEG, NIRS, etc.) must be registered in advance. You will then be informed when the lab is free and you will have access to the PsyLab calendar in Sharepoint, where you can enter the individual measurement dates.
- Info at https://psylab.uni-graz.at/en/
- Measurements in the neuro-EEG lab are discussed internally in the neuropsychology working group and the room allocation is arranged.
IIIb. Measurements on the MR scanner at the TU
- Study must be reported separately in advance, all information at https://psychologie.uni-graz.at/de/mri-lab/
- Contact person: thomas.zussner@uni-graz.at
IV Safety instruction (for laboratory measurements)
- All new Master's students who want to carry out measurements in the laboratories must attend a safety briefing → show emergency exits, assembly points, first aid kits, fire extinguishers + visit rooms where the disinfectant and gloves for measurements are stored (+ clarify COVID-19 measures if necessary).
- If no instruction has yet been given, then be sure to report to a supervisor
- No permission to start measuring without completed safety instruction!
V. Apply for a scholarship
- Master's students can apply for a scholarship themselves via NAWI Graz, e.g. in order to acquire funding for test subjects. To do this, they need a study description (can be similar to the ethics application) and a letter of recommendation from their main supervisor.
- There are only 2 dates per year when you can apply for a scholarship. Further information can be found at: https://nawi.uni-graz.at/de/studieren/informationen-und-formulare-fuer-studierende/stipendien/foerderungsstipendium/
- Money must be used within the specified duration of study, so it is also important to have a longer specified duration of study. Otherwise you have to apply for extensions which will only be approved if there is sufficient justification!
VI Recruit test subjects
- If you want to post notices at the Department of Psychology, they must be stamped with the department stamp → Susanne Wieland in the Testothek can stamp the notices (pay attention to the opening hours!)
- Via student.umfrage@uni-graz.at, a supervisor can request that they be sent to all Uni Graz students via mailing list:
- Info that must be included → contact person with name and e-mail address (this is the Master's student), subject, text of the announcement;
- Waiting times of up to 2 weeks until the mailing are possible
- You can also ask student.umfrage whether the mailing can take place on a specific date → please clarify directly with the responsible person
VII Proband:innen Funds
- The money from scholarships (see above) can be used to pay the test subjects.
- Alternative: Use the global budget/project budget, talk to the supervisor to see if there is a budget available and clarify with the secretariat whether the funds will be approved. To do this, you need to know the exact amount required.
- Do not spend any money without approval!
VIII. Reordering material
If any of the consumables required for conducting the study run out (e.g. EEG paste, adhesive electrodes, cotton buds, hair shampoo, cotton pads, alcohol, etc.), inform a supervisor as soon as possible so that the material can be replenished: EEG paste, adhesive electrodes, cotton swabs, hair shampoo, cotton pads, alcohol, etc.), inform a supervising person as soon as possible so that the material can be replenished.
IX. Test certificates
- The template for the test certificates can be downloaded here and filled out digitally:
- Test certificates are then signed by the supervisor and can be stamped by Ms. Susanne Wieland in the Testothek (note opening hours!)
- Please keep a list with the names + number of hours of the test certificates issued. This makes it easier for students to check the test certificates for the Bachelor's seminar afterwards.
- Do not copy, always hand out test certificates with original stamp + signature! - For the sake of the environment, please do not print out an extremely large number of test certificates in case they are not needed.
X. Submission of the Master's thesis
For the submission of the Master's thesis to the NAWI Examination Office and the associated registration for the final examination, some bureaucratic steps must be taken again, see: https://nawi.uni-graz.at/de/studieren/informationen-und-formulare-fuer-studierende/einreichung-von-masterarbeiten-und-dissertationen/
Good luck with your Master's thesis! :-)